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Paulie Potatoes: Gangster Crusader


More than thirty years ago, two classics were born.  One is a captivating novel of the Mafia underworld, The Godfather, which introduced readers to the first family of American crime fiction, the Corleones.  The other introduces the world to the most recognized and revered character of all time, the “Man of Steel,” Superman.  Paulie Potatoes: Gangster Crusader is a modern blend of both of these unforgettable classics.

On March 10th 2012, 14-year old Paulie Potatoes, along with the rest of the teenagers of earth inherited superpowers.  Seeing this as a threat to his way of life, Mob boss Bobby Biaggio Bigotta, knows that he must stop Paulie and his friends by all means necessary. 

Unexpectedly, Biggie extends an invitation for Paulie to join his gang.  Paulie must now decide between a life of crime or a life as a superhero.  Will Paulie walk down this underworld path, blinded by wealth or will he use his newfound powers to keep the streets of Niagaratown safe.

Teen Sci-Fi/Action Adventure 45,000 words, approx 180 pages

Farrah in Fairyland


You may think that you know about the mythical beings known as fairies, but the truth will shock you.

14-year old Farrah Fancycracker hates her life. Although she lives in Fairyland, the most wondrous place in the universe, her talents have been wasted. As a small-winged Ordinaria fairy, she is not permitted to practice the Pixie Arts to become a Tooth Fairy. Only the Superiora, the so-called ‘elite,’ big-winged fairies are allowed to explore the full extent of their powers at the Pixie Academy.

Everything changes after a vicious attack from the Cornuto creatures. With Fairyland at the brink of extinction, the Fairy Queen calls upon all fairies, both Ordinaria and Superiora alike. Having unexpectedly discovered that she is in fact a Tuttatti fairy, the most powerful fairy in Fairyland, the fate of the land now rests in the hands of Farrah. Will Farrah seize this opportunity to show Fairyland just how powerful she really is?

An epic Young Adult Fantasy that follows the adventures a young wannabe Tooth Fairy named Farrah Fancycracker.  80,000 words, approx. 320 pages

Mickey Angie Lowe 

And His Crazy Fantastic Doodle Pen

Now Mickey must find the portal back to Earth. Unfortunately Mr. Volcanizer, the beastlike Viking and ruler of Lava Island would rather eat Mickey for dinner than allow him to get back home. Luckily Mickey has some help from a few strange yet loyal friends. But will they be able to outsmart Mr. Volcanizer?

The story is a crazy adventure with many bumps, bruises and plenty of laughs along the way. I know, I know, this sounds like a standard book. Well I haven’t told you about the best part, Mickey pulls off all the stops to keep his readers entertained.

While trying to avoid being eaten, Mickey will entertain you by breaking away to tell a joke, coming up with a riddle, playing an I Spy game, drawing a comic and much, much more. He allows you into his head, and what a fantastically strange head it is.

For Parents:

This is a humorous first person account told through the eyes of Mickey Angie Lowe. Mickey Angie Lowe And His Crazy Fantastic Doodle Pen differs from a linear narrative in that is provided frequents breaks from the story in the form of daydreams. These daydreams allow young readers to have an entertaining break from the story. As a teacher I have observed first hand the benefits of frequent deviations from direct instruction. In this fast-paced technological age it is a challenge to maintain the interest of a young mind. Children are used to multi-faceted video games that allow them to frequently change levels, characters and journeys. Mickey Angie Lowe has been written with this in mind. Although the story pulls the reader in all kinds of directions, the fun-filled diversions also offer the reader a sense of control and choice.

For Kids:

This book rocks! It is unlike anything you have ever read before. Just try to contain yourself when you are reading this book in class – you don’t want your teacher to think that you are having too much fun.  Middle Grade Fantasy / Humour Approx. 84 pages

Dr. SillyPants And The

Secret Laboratory

Mass death or worldwide bliss? The fate of the world now lies at the hands of a brilliant, yet geeky inventor, known to many as Dr. SillyPants. For ten years Dr. SillyPants has been working on a secret project. The result was the creation of an invention like none other. Although it was intended to solve many of the world’s problems, the Government has different plans for the powerful invention. In pursuit of wealth and supremacy, the Government will stop at nothing to get their hands on the invention. Wanting to avoid the inevitable destruction of all humankind, Dr. SillyPants and the rest of the Spantz family will do everything in their power to protect it.

A classic story of good vs. evil told from the point-of-view of 10-year-old Brody Spantz.

Young Adult Mystery / Action Adventure. 33 Chapters. Approximately 286 pages. 

Zombie Gang: Regenerated Earth


Everyone died in the aftermath of the devastating Devil Virus that ravaged the entire population of Earth. There were no survivors. Five days later, however, the freshly dead returned to life.

Zombie Gang: Regenerated Earth tells a different kind of apocalyptic zombie story. Some returned as Deadheads, who are like predatory flesh-eating zombies.
Another group of beings rises from the dead.  Those beings are self-aware and they have retained some of their once held human traits.  A combination of human and zombie, they are called Zumans.

Zombie Gang: Regenerated Earth follows a teenage gang of Zumans as they struggle to balance their undead existence with their survival against Deadheads and other Zuman survivors, many of whom are dangerous and predatory themselves. At every turn, unspeakable horrors face them as the structures of society collapses all around them.
Led by 17-year old Enrico, the most human-like of the undead gang, he must lead the tattered remnants of society in the fight against the Deadhead uprising.
It is a war of undead versus the undead. 

Oh, the Zumanity!

A teen horror novel that is disgusting enough to make the hairs on your neck stand up, but PG enough to keep the adults off your back.

BUY IT NOW (Amazon)

BUY IT NOW (Smashwords) 


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